
Scrum: A Guide to Agile Project Management Methodology

By gobrain

Jun 12th, 2024

Project success today hinges on two key things: moving fast and getting things done right. That's why teams across industries are turning to methods that help them work quickly and smoothly. This is where Scrum comes in.

This guide explains Scrum, a popular framework in tech based on Agile principles. But first, let's take a quick look at Agile itself.

What is Agile Methodology?

The core principles of the agile methodology focus on collaboration and iteration during the development process. Agile is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for adjustments to be made as the product is being developed, even after it is live.

For collaboration, small teams are formed to develop the product under development, and at the end of what is usually called a sprint, the teams meet and consult on the project.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is based on the agile methodology that provides a structure and set of practices for implementing Agile in software development. We have talked about roles below. In A Project Developing with Scrum has three main roles:

  • Product Owner

It is a person who is responsible for ensuring that the project meets the customer's needs and delivers good results. It is like a bridge between developers and customers. They define the requirements and goals of the project and oversee all processes.

  • Development Team

The Development Team is in charge of creating the product. The term developer doesn't only refer to software developers but it includes all members of the team who work on the project, regardless of their field. This team is responsible for designing, coding, testing and delivering the final product to the customer. They work closely with the project manager to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget and to the satisfaction of the customer.

  • Scrum Master

A Scrum Master is a facilitator who helps the development team in its quest to create a valuable product. They are not typical managers but rather a coach for the development team, working to remove any obstacles that may impede progress. They help to increase the team's productivity and the developers' individual contributions to the project.

Terms In Scrum Method

To fully grasp the process of Scrum method, it's essential to familiarize yourself with some key terms. Below are a few examples of the terms you should know:

Product BacklogA list of all the necessary features, requirements and duties that must be accomplished for the completion of the project
SprintA set period of time, usually lasting 2-4 weeks, in which the team working on the project creates a part of the product that can be used and given to the customer.
Sprint BacklogA list of things to do during the following sprint taken from the product backlog
Daily ScrumEvery day, the team working on the project has a short meeting, usually lasting 15 minutes, where they talk about what they did since the last meeting and what they plan to do in the next 24 hours.
Sprint RetrospectiveIt is a meeting where the process is evaluated at the end of each Sprint.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Scrum Method

Each methodology has some advantages and disadvantages, so both the project and the team that will develop the project should be well analyzed so that you can understand whether scrum is a suitable method for your development process.

Let's see some of the advantages and disadvantages of the scrum method:


  • Collaboration

In Scrum, teams play a crucial role in the development process. Each team member works together to achieve the project's goals and objectives by offering support and assistance to one another. This collaborative approach helps to ensure that the project is completed efficiently and effectively.

  • Transparency

All aspects of the project are open to everyone involved, and every team member is aware of how the process is progressing. This level of transparency creates trust and confidence among team members and customers, as everyone is aware of the project's status


  • Time Cost

Meetings are an important part of the process but can sometimes take up extra time that team members could be using to work on the development of the project

  • Organization

The Scrum method relies on a well-organized team, but creating a cohensive team dynamic can be challenging. Even though the process is designed to facilitate communication and collaboration, it's not always easy for team members to work together seamlessly.


To summarize, the Scrum method, which is based on the Agile methodology, is a popular way for product teams to create a desirable product. Whether or not a company should use it depends on the team, the customers and the specific requirements of the product.

It's important to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision that is best for your particular situation. Scrum can be a powerful tool for achieving great results but it's not the right fit for every team or every project.

Thank you for reading.