
What Does .co Domain Extension Mean?

By gobrain

Jul 4th, 2024

Picking a great domain name is super important for a brand's online presence. But it can be tricky! Because, popular names with common domain extensions like .com or .net are probably already taken. Don't worry though, there are other options like .co waiting to be discovered!

So, if you've ever wondered what .co means and how it differs from the popular .com, then this is the guide for you!

What're Domain Extensions?

Understanding domain name extensions in general is helpful before diving into what the .co extension specifically means.

Domain extensions, also known as top-level domains (TLDs), are the last part of a website's URL, following the final dot. They serve to categorize and identify the type of website or the country associated with it.

Here are three types of domain extensions:

Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)

gTLDs are the most common domain extensions that are not associated with a specific country, organization, or group. Some popular gTLDs include:

  • .com: Originally intended for commercial websites, but now widely used for various purposes.
  • .org: Initially intended for non-profit organizations, but it's now used by various entities.
  • .net: Originally meant for network-related sites but is now used for a wide range of purposes.

Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

ccTLDs are associated with specific countries or territories. They are often used by businesses and individuals located within that country or with strong connections to it.

Examples include:

  • .us: United States
  • .uk: United Kingdom
  • .ca: Canada

Sponsored Top-Level Domains (sTLDs)

sTLDs are a distinct category within the world of domain names. As the name implies, sTLDs cater to particular groups or objectives. They offer a way for users to instantly recognize the nature of the website based on the extension.

Examples include:

  • .gov: It assures users they're on an official government site.
  • .edu: It helps users identify websites belonging to schools, universities, etc.
  • .mil: It designates websites affiliated with the armed forces.

So, What Does .co Mean?

The co domain extension stands for Colombia. Initially, it was intended to represent Colombia as its country code top-level domain (ccTLD). As mentioned above, each country is assigned a unique two-letter code, and co was specifically designated for Colombia.

However, the co domain extension has undergone significant changes over time and has become more widely available to the global audience. The change happened when the Colombian government decided to capitalize on the domain's marketing potential by opening it up for worldwide registration.

Company or Corporation are the most common meaning used today. Many domain registrars promote "co domains as an abbreviation for "company" or "corporation," and it's a popular choice for businesses looking for a short and memorable web address.

.co vs .com

When people see the .co domain extension, they wonder differences between .co and .com. Both .com and .co are popular domain extensions, but they have some key differences to consider when choosing one for your website:

Here's a quick summary table:
PricePotentially more expensivePotentially less expensive
Target AudienceGlobal, established businessesStartups, tech-savvy audience

Ultimately, the best choice depends on brands specific needs and goals.

Pros of Using .co


Since co is relatively newer compared to the more common extensions like com, there is a higher likelihood of finding your preferred domain name available with the .co extension.

SEO Performance

Google treats the co extension as gTLDs (Generic Top-Level Domains) such as com and net so there is no negative impact on your website SEO performance.

Short and Memorable

The co extension is short and easy to remember, making it an excellent choice for branding purposes. It allows businesses to create concise and catchy domain names.

Global Appeal

As a global brand, co does not restrict itself to any particular industry or geographical location. This makes it suitable for businesses and startups aiming to reach a broad international audience.

Cons of Using co

Brand confusion

The co domain extension is often used as a shorter alternative to .com, which might lead to brand confusion if users mistakenly type .com instead of co.

Trust and credibility

Some users may be more accustomed to traditional domain extensions like .com, and using .co could potentially raise doubts about the credibility or legitimacy of your website.

Remember that, despite these considerations, many websites successfully use co domains without any issues. Ultimately, the success of your website depends on the quality of your content and marketing effort.


In conclusion, the co domain extension initially represented Colombia as its country code top-level domain. However, it has evolved into a global brand that is widely used by businesses and individuals worldwide. With its availability and international appeal, the co domain has become a popular choice for those seeking a unique and memorable web address.

Thank you for reading.