
Standard Deviation For Beginners

By gobrain

Jun 12th, 2024

Standard deviation is a statistical measure that tells you how spread out a set of data is from its average value (the mean). It's a measure of dispersion, how scattered the data is.

In this article, we will discuss standard deviation from many aspects including its importance and calculation. First, let's get started with what standard deviation is.

What is Standard Deviation?

Simply put, the standard deviation is a measure of how much the values in a data set differ from the mean of the data. Imagine you have a bunch of darts thrown at a dartboard. The closer all the darts are to the bullseye, the lower the standard deviation. The more spread out the darts are, the higher the standard deviation.

So, standard deviation of a dataset:

  • is high if many values are far from the mean and
  • is low if they are close to the mean.
  • is zero, it means that all numbers in the data set are equal.

Importance Of Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is crucial in statistics and data analysis because it helps us understand the variability of a dataset. Here's why it's so important:

  • Understanding Spread and Variability:

Standard deviation tells you how spread out the data points are from the average (mean). A high standard deviation indicates a larger spread of values, while a low standard deviation shows the values are tightly clustered around the mean. This helps identify trends and assess how reliable the data might be.

  • Identifying Outliers:

By understanding the typical spread of data points (usually within 1-2 standard deviations of the mean), you can identify outliers – data points that fall far outside the expected range. This can indicate errors in data collection or interesting phenomena that need further investigation.

  • Comparing Datasets:

Standard deviation allows you to compare the variability of two datasets. For instance, if you're comparing test scores from two different classes, a lower standard deviation in one class indicates the scores are more similar within that group.

  • Risk Evaluation:

Many fields, like finance, use standard deviation to evaluate risk. For example, a high standard deviation in stock prices indicates a greater fluctuation in price, which can be riskier for investment.

  • Margins of Error:

Standard deviation helps calculate the margin of error in surveys and experiments. This allows you to understand the potential range within which the "true" value might lie.

Areas od Use of Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is a useful tool in many fields, such as:

  • In economics, variance is used to measure the variability of economic indicators like inflation, GDP and unemployment rates.
  • Engineering: In engineering, variance is used to measure the variability of the dimensions and specifications of a product. It helps to ensure that the product meets the desired tolerances and specifications
  • Social Sciences: In social sciences, variance is used to measure the variability of data collected from surveys, experiments, and other research methods. It helps to assess the reliability of the data and to test hypotheses

How To Calculate Standard Deviation

The standard Deviation of a data set easily can be calculated by following the steps below.

  • Calculate the mean of the dataset
  • Subtract the mean from each value in set
  • Square the values found in the second step and sum all the values
  • Divide the sum by the number of values in set
  • Take the square root of the last result

Formula: SD = √(Σ(x - μ)^2 / n)


  • x is a data in set,
  • μ is the mean,
  • n is the number of values in set,
  • Σ is the sum of

For example, for a given set of 2,6,7

  • mean: (2 + 6 + 7) / 3 = 5
  • SD = (2-5)^2 + (6-5)^2 + (7-5)^2 = 14
  • SD = √ (14 / 3)
  • SD = 2.160...

Standart Deviation: Sample vs Population

Since it is usually difficult to collect data for the whole population, a sample from the whole population is taken and the standard deviation can be calculated. In this case, there will be a small change in the formula as below

SD = √(Σ(x - μ)^2 / (n-1))

The new standart deviation for the set above will be :

  • SD = √ (14 / 2)
  • SD = 2.645


In conclusion, standard deviation is a statistical measure of the spread of a set of data values. Standard deviation is useful because it allows us to make inferences about a population based on a sample and helps us understand the variability of data.

Thank you for reading.