
The Best Note-Taking App On Mac

By gobrain

Jun 9th, 2024

Please, allow me to say the best note-taking app on mac: Apple Notes. Yes, I know there are a lot of options out there such as Evernote, Microsoft Onenote, and Obsidian. However, If you are someone who value simplicity and tight integration with other Apple products, you will aggree with me. Let's get started.

Pros of Apple Notes:

  • Free: Apple Notes comes pre-installed on Macs and integrates with iCloud, so you get 5GB of free storage for your notes.
  • Simple and Clean Interface: Apple Notes offers a user-friendly interface that's easy to navigate and keeps your notes clutter-free.
  • Seamless Integration with Apple Ecosystem: Notes integrates well with other Apple products like Reminders, Mail, and Siri. You can easily create notes from these apps and access them across your devices.
  • Basic Formatting and Checklists: It allows for basic formatting options like bold, italics, and bullet points. You can also create checklists for tasks.

Cons of Apple Notes:

  • Limited Features: Compared to other note-taking apps, Apple Notes offers a more basic feature set.
  • Limited Organization: While you can organize notes with folders, some users might find it lacking for complex projects.
  • Limited Export Options: Exporting notes from Apple Notes can be cumbersome.


For me, Apple Notes strikes the goldilocks zone. It's powerful enough to handle my note-taking needs with features like checklists and tables, but it doesn't overwhelm me with unnecessary complexity. Plus, the clean aesthetic makes it a joy to use.

Sure, some folks might crave more bells and whistles, but for me, Apple Notes is all about streamlined efficiency. It gets the job done without getting in my way. And hey, it's free! That's a win in my book.