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Variables in javascript is used to store a wide range of data and access them later
Jest mocking is a powerful feature allowing you to isolate the code you're testing by replacing its dependencies with controlled, fake implementations
JavaScript provides a variety of loops to execute a set of code multiple times. These loop structures are for, forEach , for in and for of. Let's discuss differences between them.
Javascript date object allows to perform date-related operations such as setting a new date, handling timezones, formatting dates and more
Jest is the most popular unit testing framework for Javascript, particularly React. Jest is used to test small components of code, typically functions or methods
Axios is one of the most popular javascript library that allows us to make HTTP requests to APIs in both browsers and nodejs enviroments. In this beginners guide let's understand how it can be used effectively in javascript projects
A scripting language is a type of programming language designed for specific tasks and ease of use. Scripting languages are often interpreted rather than compiled