
A Complete Tutorial: Testing In Javascript with Jest

Jest is the most popular unit testing framework for Javascript, particularly React. Jest is used to test small components of code, typically functions or methods

NodeJS Environment Variables

each system where the application runs is referred to as an environment, and environment variables provide essential data to ensure the code functions seamlessly across different environments.

chmod vs. chown in Linux

chmod and chown are important command in Linux systems for managing file permissions and ownership. Let's understand differences between them.

Jest Mocking For Beginners

Jest mocking is a powerful feature allowing you to isolate the code you're testing by replacing its dependencies with controlled, fake implementations

What is Instance In Programming

In programming, the term instance has several meanings depending on the context. It can be refer the unique copy of a class or database schema

Why a Full Motion TV Wall Mount is a Game-Changer for Your Home

If you’re looking to upgrade your home entertainment experience, a Full Motion TV Wall Mount is one of the smartest investments you can make.

Terminal vs Shell vs Bash

When dealing with command-line interfaces, terms like terminal, shell, and bash often come up. While they’re closely related, they refer to different components of the command-line experience.

CSS BEM Methodology Tutorial for Beginners

CSS BEM is an important methodology to easily manage and organize CSS. If you are beginners in CSS BEM Methodology, then this tutorial is for you.

SASS & (Ampersand) Symbol

The SASS & (ampersand) symbol is a special selector known as the parent selector. With & symbol in SASS you can easily build nested selectors

Science transformed by this Educational tool: the Active Kinetic 1 Magnetic cradle

Educators are constantly seeking innovative methods to engage students and create a love of learning. One such tool that has the potential to revolutionise science education is the Active Kinetic 1 Magnetic cradle